I once had a boss that gave everyone unlimited time off. What?! Yep! Unlimited. The caveat? We had to get our work done, and maintain excellence. To be honest, at first I was skeptical. It turned out to be wonderful! Not only did I feel very loyal to the organization, I ensured my work was completed in advance and was always above par. It was an excellent morale boost and helped everyone feel trusted and honored. Furthermore, I found that people didn’t take it for granted, as some employees feared when it was first introduced. People loved being honored and trusted and worked harder to ensure they did a great job in exchange for the time off. Brilliant! People also didn't over abuse it. We were all aware that the policy could be changed if it was causing problems. So, we only took time off when it mattered and deeply appreciated the flexibility. This concept of more time off leading to rejuvenation got its roots in Japan and Europe. Europe values quality of life over quantity of actions. Perhaps the US could learn from this? While we overwork, overdo and burn out, other people are casually enjoying life and success in a more relaxed way. Interesting. I say it is time we focus on quality of life! #worksmarter Enjoy today's article on balancing time! Coaching Resource of the Week:
Microsoft experimented with a 4-day workweek, and productivity jumped by 40%! An experiment that involved reducing the workweek by one day led to a 40% boost in productivity in a Microsoft subsidiary in Japan. Read all about it here: https://amp-businessinsider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.businessinsider.com/microsoft-4-day-work-week-boosts-productivity-2019-11 |
June 2022