Imagine this. I’m waiting for class to start. It is 6th grade. I’ve been at this new school for over a year, yet, I’m so painfully shy that I have only one friend. There are two boys talking about me not too far away. They were talking about me being a snob because I didn’t talk to anyone.
My insides were yelling, “Snob!? If only you knew how much I wanted and ached to fit in here and have actual friends! Snob? All I do is care about people.” Assumptions are one of the biggest pitfalls to human thinking. Illusions being the first, and the basis for assumptive reasoning. The good news is… different times, different things. Earlier this year we explored how every asset can have a liability if it gets out of balance. This is the heart of today’s teaching as well. The positive side of our human capacity to hold an assumption is…. faith. Imagine this. I was a single mom when I had my second a breakaway moment. I decided I was sick of living in fear over money and decided I was done. Either the universe had my back, or it didn’t. In a way, I needed to test it out. I agreed to pay all the bills that effected my credit first and trust that the money to pay the utilities (that didn’t affect my credit) would be on its way. My assumption, “I am always provided for. Things always work out. Always.” Guess what happened? I got a few pink notices threatening to turn off water and electric. I said to myself, that is nice they are sending bills in color now and kept my assumption firmly intact, “I am always provided for. Things always work out. Always.” To my surprise, and relief, the universe never failed to provide. My lights were never turned off and I had my candles ready, believe me. My income started rising and stabilizing. I learned we have a spiritual thermostat that we can adjust, when we adjust. Looking back, it wasn't all fun and games. It started when I lept with faith. I then a few times wept, but with grace. But soon thereafter I began to survive and then eventually I learned to thrive. I now am always one month ahead on my bills. I reversed the very strong pattern of fear through the power of positive assumption. The teachings of abundance, I learned are alive and well. With faith, we do not have evidence that something is, or can be. “Faith, derived from Latin “fides” and Old French “feid”, is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.” Oxford Living Dictionaries Retrieved March 1, 2019 The Course in Miracles teaches, “There is no problem in any situation that faith will not solve.” 17.VII.2:1 To experience truly remarkable outcomes requires solvency, resolve and requires faith. In coaching your faith in your client invites them to cultivate a deeper faith in themselves. Faith therefore is the inception point of new potentials. |
June 2022