Your heart sinks. You just realized you forgot to follow through on an important task. Important to you and important to your colleague that is relying on you.
Immediately feelings of embarrassment, dismay, and aggravation kick in. Not only that, you feel disheartened to have let someone else down. Ugh... sigh... Mistakes happen. They are a normal part of being human. No matter how much planning, preventing, structuring we do... they still happen. Some mistakes may have bigger consequences to ourselves or an impact on other people. In our coach training, we teach a truly powerful model called Compassionate Communication. Also known as Nonviolent Communication. One wonderful aspect of this approach is that it applies to such a vast array of human dilemmas and has the ability to restore connection, peace, and flow. Compassionate Communication has been found highly effective in everything from warring communities in the Middle East, to effective parenting, to coaching, to self-esteem. Click Here to Continue Reading ************* FOLLOW US AT: Facebook: Instagram: LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A Certified Professional Coach |
June 2022