Do you have a big business goal you wish to accomplish in life? Do you feel like you are not accomplishing it fast enough? Is overnight business success actually real? I get it. It took me years to learn the success principles, face my fears and understand marketing so that I could have a cozy coaching practice to finally lean into full time. I realize that I definitely could have accomplished this in a much shorter time frame. With all of the media making it look like people are overnight successes and so many people marketing “get rich quick formulas”, it makes sense we beat ourselves up for not being a success in 3 months. On a small business association pamphlet I read that the average successful business takes 3-5 years to get fully launched. I also listened to a highly successful entrepreneur share that in his experience every overnight success he met was already 10 years in the making. While this news might feel disheartening, it doesn’t have to. Think of it this way. If you take 3 years to build a successful business and it supports you for 10, 20 or 30 years it would have been absolutely hands down worth it. Also, the years of hard earned wisdom and experience you have already accumulated counts towards your success. Also, with a streamlined marketing plan people can grow a coaching clientele much faster than the 3-5 year brick and mortar store. Well, I am here now, very deeply grateful I never gave up my vision for success. Here are 5 steps to amplify your business success: 1) Don’t give up your day job. I know this piece of advice is typically disappointing to hear. After all, you are excited about your vision and want to be living it already! I completely get that. However, if you are stressed over finances this can steeply impact the quality of work you produce. Even working part-time can give you consistent buoyancy so you can focus. 2) Give yourself a bigger window to see from. You don’t get a degree overnight. It takes 2-4 years. This is just like business success. It takes time, so give yourself time. Take the pressure off. For example: When we tell ourselves that we only have 3 months to have a full client load, we might freak out. When we tell ourselves that we have a full year to get the ball rolling, we can feel the spaciousness in that. This ease allows us to deliver quality work. 3) Be strategic and streamlined. Focus on accomplishing one goal at a time. Many new business owners fail because they take on too many goals at once, spread themselves too thin and flop. Switch your mindset from quantity to delivering quality. Quality and focused work will get you success much faster. 4) Don’t go it alone. There are people who have learned the hard way, learned the short-cuts and are greatly successful. Learn from them. Reinventing the wheel will take ten times longer. Tip: Stick with a coach/consultant when it comes to business success. The consulting will show you what to do and what to avoid. Then they will coach you on crafting your success formula. Other people’s success formulas work for them and their success doesn’t mean it will work for you. Avoid signing up for formulaic programs that look exciting but…. you are following someone else’s success formula! Those (typically overpriced) programs have a high failure rate. 5) Nourish your vision. Literally spend time thinking about what you LOVE LOVE LOVE about your vision. Envision you are already living it. Spending time in the positive energy of your vision and connecting with why you are embarking on this path will help you attract success. If people ask you about your services and you are self-conscious or divided between excitement and overwhelm, this comes across. If people ask about your services and you beam with love, it is noticeable and contagious! Many successful people spend anywhere from 5-30 minutes each morning before they start their day, focusing on their goals and nourishing them. |
June 2022