Have you ever worked for someone who made showing up to work miserable?
Have you ever worked for a leader or manager who inspired you? It is ironic that companies focus on the bottom line and miss the fact that the entire organization is there for people and by people. Business is all about the people... a business serves. In a world that has been primarily profit centered, there are movements in leadership where this is being actively reversed. A new emphasis is being placed on people first and profit second. Interestingly enough, as we do this, we invite dignity and respect into the picture. When people feel dignity and respect, they feel proud to go to work. When people feel proud to go to work, they stick around. When people stick around, the company has lower turnover. Lower turnover then saves the company thousands in lost profit, positively impacting the bottom line. Understanding this cycle of influence is the birthplace of Integrative Intelligence®. Clare Norman wrote the article entitled: Why Organizations Need Human Centered Leaders? In this article she wrote: "Businesses are run by human beings. They make operations smooth, create value for the company and its stakeholders, and make or break a business. It is odd then, that although so many companies talk about their people being their greatest asset, their actions do not always ring true. It is time we embraced more human-centered leadership to bring out the best in people. I realize that leaders have a dearth of time — well actually, that’s not true, it’s really a dearth of attention. If only leaders realize that investing time in conversations with their people would lead to the results that they currently focus most of their attention on, we’d all be better off! It’s not one or the other – human-centered leadership creates results, by engaging people in ways that motivate them. Now, in the midst of a global turmoil, this seems more pertinent than ever." To take a deeper look at human-centered design and leadership Click Here. |
June 2022