This month, we are exploring Personal Power to its fullest! Last week, we examined unconscious power leaks and how to bring them into our conscious awareness.
This week, we are looking at what to do with power leaks and how to create power patches. Now that you’ve identified a leak, it is time to patch it up! Part 3: Power Patches Personal power is best thought of like a boat. If we want to get far in life, it is imperative to keep our power intact. A leak is like water on-boarding, and we have to attend to it. The bigger the leak, the quicker the boat sinks. A power patch is what it takes to stop the leak, ideally patching it up for good! The first step is to identify immediate leaks. These are felt in our behaviors resulting from not having boundaries. Not having boundaries puts us out of alignment with our power because we fragment away from our values. The next step is to come up with a solution. Sometimes the solution is obvious. For example: If I’m staying up too late each night, and I’m always exhausted at work.... I can create a plan to get to bed earlier. Other solutions might be bigger than us. If I have an underlying mindset pitfall around forgiveness, then I might avoid forgiving and remain in my power leak. In essence, locate the solution. If you find that you can’t swiftly shift into the solution, then it is an excellent time to take your new self-awareness into coaching to elevate your mindset or into counseling if the power leak stems from trauma. Patching up power leaks is an inside job. It is highly rewarding and helps ensure the direction we take our life is the direction we end up at. Living fully aligned in our power also feels great! Living with our personal power intact gives us the experience of a rock solid confidence. It also helps us understand how/when to be vulnerable and when to set boundaries. Challenges become much, much easier to face. We all know that in life it is not a matter of “if” challenges will arise. It is a matter of “when” they will arise, and are we prepared for them? There are so many wonderful side effects of living with our personal power intact! Happy power patching! |
June 2022