The benefits of being properly coach trained far surpass the classroom. It is a game changer in life, in love and in professional agility.
Personal Happiness & Fulfillment Redefined Learning tools that empower other people, can’t help but empower you along the way. Living with the mindset of empowerment and possibility is an incredible shift for people and a complete game changer for your future. This is because a kickass coaching program teaches you:
No other profession I’m aware offers such rich and fulfilling personal gain and set of new tools to use! When you get coach training, you gain access to a whole new life. You learn how to live a life where your best self gets to come forth and be in the lead. Kobi Yamada asked, “What if the rest of your life was the best of your life?” With coach training, your relationships are rewarded. Your relationship to others shifts from problem centric to possibility oriented. Your relationship to yourself is completely enhanced, positively impacting your physical health, emotional world and inner-critic. People thrive when they have the tools to master their life and help others master theirs. The personal gain from transformational coach training alone surpasses the worth of the investment for many. Professional Leverage The tools you learn leverage you wherever you take your life. You learn how to talk to people differently, value yourself in new ways and listen in ways that heighten your understanding. As coach you know what is possible and you bring the empowering perspectives with you wherever you go, helping people you touch move from stuck to unobstructed. Coach training translates to anything and everything you professionally undertake. Options Open Up Being trained in coaching gives you the option to take on private clients and impact many people’s lives. Each person you help empower, positively impacts the people in their lives too. I’ve had wives thank me for the transform that took place in their spouse and marriage as a result of coaching. Some people take on clients 100%. Others coach part-time on the side and still hold a job. And others do something else they love doing and coaching part-time allows them additional flexibility to travel, retire or do a hobby. Either way, being trained gives opens up options and gives you the tools to get you there! Bottom Line Attending a kick-ass coach training program is a life changing and professionally empowering choice to make. Because of its very enlightening and evoking nature, coaching puts you on a completely new path, opening you up to new possibilities. To have training that enlivens your personal life, enhances all of your relationships and provides you with professional options so that you can create your life, on your terms, is a powerful opportunity! Coaching teaches us to not only think outside of the box, but also shows us that the box does not even exist. …………………………… Laurel Inman, PCC IICT Founder / Senior Faculty >> Learn More << |
June 2022