Last week my husband and I took the kids for ice-cream. The cashier informed us that the woman before us had paid our bill and was paying it forward. We said, “Wow, thanks can we pay the bill of the folks behind us?” She said “Yes and congrats! You are the 15th awesome people to pay it forward tonight!” Apparently the last 15 people chose to pay it forward after receiving too. There is a part in each of us that lights up when our life is lived in contribution, doing right by others and helping. This is the part a masterful coach invites forward. This is the part that leaves us with a smile on our heart at the end of a hard day, where we chose to do the right thing even though it was hard. This is the part where love is generated. “When you feel a peaceful joy, that’s when you are near the truth.” Rumi Love is like a generator. The more we give it, the more we have it. The Course in Miracles teaches that love is the principle not subject to the laws of the ego. According to the ego what is shared is divided into two parts. Love doubles when shared. Love is an extension of care, support, extension, grace, compassion, inspiration, and so much more. If God had a currency, it would be Love. Those of us that come to know this truth about ourselves get rest not from sleeping, but awakening. Awakening to what we are truly capable of. Awakening to our truth. Awakening into possibility. The human heart is an ancient metaphor that has been passed down century after century through many cultures. It represents the Highest aspects of ourselves where love is our guide, our true north. Consider some of our more common sayings:
Unlike the ego, the Higher-Self quietly waits to gift us. It bares gifts of wisdom, guidance and compassion. The ego is quick to drown out any inner peace, doubt any wisdom and divide us from what is possible. The ego is quick to judge and second guess while the heart will guide you out of any mess. The ego is quick to jump into the pool of fear, while the heart invites you to steer clear. Our wisdom, inner knowing and intuition all reside in the part of ourselves we call the heart. “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Rumi Many people can experience anxiety or ruminating fear because they are still using their heads to try to solve problems. Switch into your heart for an inspiring new start.
Masterful coaches do not keep you in your head. They help you make the journey into trusting your Highest-self. The self that knows, that grows and stows your potential. This is the heart of who you are. There is a part of your journey into your highest potential that can only be successfully navigated through the guidance of your highest wisdom, your heart. There is part of you that knows. This is the part of you that grows. I invite you to trust it with all of your heart. I promise it will give you a miraculous new start. |
June 2022