I invite you to consider a buoy. It floats atop the water, despite storms it remains in its spot. It is a boundary of safety to communities of ships, surfers and swimmers.
Buoys are tethered, anchored and grounded. If they weren't they would float away being tossed aside and turned around wherever the current was going that day. It is one thing to float above, but without a tether to ground the buoy, it loses all purpose. To ponder: Are you feeling ungrounded and is life throwing you about? Are you tethered, but to false beliefs? To what are you tethered? As human beings when we tether to the ego out of fear, we become limited in our capacity and life feels overwhelming. However, when we tether to a greater purpose, through our own inner wisdom we can rise above and thrive. When life feels enriched by meaning we can go to bed with a happy heart even if times are stressful. The next question is: What is your medicine in this lifetime? I learned that some Native American traditions believe that everyone and everything has a medicine to it. This medicine benefits those around it, or needing it. Becoming a coach, I learned that each human being has gifts within. This is our medicine for the world. When we live in our gifts we help others. Each gift is unique. Each gift can serve a greater purpose. Sadly, many people do not realize their gifts, life calling, or their medicine because the ego harbors fearful messages like, “Stay safe!” “Don’t follow your heart.” “It is dangerous out there." "You have to fend for yourself after you fail.” "You are all alone." These will absolutely keep anyone small. Fortunately, your heart has the answers to dispel all of the fears your ego can conjure up. ~ Are you listening to the heart or the ego? ~ Do you know what your medicine is in this lifetime? ~ Are you following your calling? I double-dog dare you to follow your calling, give your gifts to the people who need them, and amplify what life has in store for you! |
June 2022