Join us to learn one simple shift that will elevate your work and home life! This lesson is inspired by.... ducks. Sept. we are focusing on the Higher Self and how to
use our higher self to help us get through times of stress. This weeks tip is really powerful, yet so simple. Did you know that ducks preen their feathers for a purpose? It is not to just look good or attract a mate. Ducks preen their feathers to stay afloat. While preening they apply an oil slick to their cote. If they didn’t have this oil slick their down would get water logged and they would be to heavy to float. Life is a lot like this. When we find what helps us float and rise above, we can live more aligned and empowered. One way to do this is to establish a morning routine that fills you up. When you sleep you have random dreams, or can wake up not feeling so hot. A morning routine ensures you set your day up for success. In coaching we know we all have our own unique success formula. As you create your morning empowerment ritual here are some things to consider:
There you have it! A fresh perspective to help you rise above and be the best you! See you next week! |
June 2022